Immigration, Crime, and Local Policing Novel opportunities exist to relieve historical tensions between immigrant communities and local law enforcement agencies Research Summary In the early twentieth century, experts equated increased immigration with increased crime...
Healthcare Access for Undocumented Immigrants Due to their legal status, undocumented immigrants face many barriers to receiving adequate healthcare Research Shows Undocumented immigrants will comprise 25% of America’s uninsured over the next decade (1). Undocumented...
Multilingual Police in Immigrant Communities One Possible Pathway to Improving Immigrant - Police Relations What We Know Preconceived notions create police-immigrant tensions in communities with large immigrant populations (2;3). Immigrant communities more acutely...
Culturally Appropriate Mental Health Care for Somali Immigrants and Refugees Recognizing cultural understandings of mental health to improve services Research Mental health services that engage the community in defining their needs are necessary for culturally...
Undocumented Students’ Legal Status Limits Access to Higher Education Limited access to higher education is a barrier to the economic mobility of undocumented youth Research Shows Eligibility for in-state tuition increases access to college for undocumented students....